Our Clubs

Coding Club

Coding Club is an organization that provides a fun and exciting way to learn coding and other computer-related skills. It offers a wide range of activities, including weekly coding classes, hackathons, workshops, and other coding-related events. Participants learn to code using various programming languages and frameworks, while also having the opportunity to collaborate with other coders and develop their own projects. Coding Club is open to all skill levels and provides a safe and welcoming environment for everyone to learn and create.

Design Club

Design Club is an organization for those interested in exploring the practice of design. Through hands-on activities, workshops, lectures, and field trips, members have the opportunity to develop and use their creative problem-solving skills. Design Club encourages members to think critically and innovatively, and to create solutions to everyday problems. In doing so, members gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Design Club also serves as a platform for members to collaborate, network, and share their ideas and expertise.


Geekhub is an online community for people from all walks of life who are passionate about technology and innovation. The community is a place to share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and network with like-minded individuals. It provides a platform for members to share their ideas, ask questions, and find answers to their tech-related problems. Geekhub also offers technical support, job postings, and other resources to help members get the most out of their technology. The community is a great way to stay connected with the tech community and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.

Technovation Club

Our goal is to provide technovates with the latest technology and trends. Students will learn about technology through our club, opening up prospects for the future. This is accomplished by the club presenting a variety of interactive seminars and engaging hands-on learning experiences. It even provides the chance to design products and provides instructions for doing so. The club consists of self-motivated students, who want to learn, share, and grow. There is only one requirement for joining this club, i.e., INTEREST IN LEARNING.

Coding Club

Coding Club

The Coding Club is an educational group dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment in which individuals of any age and skill level can learn the basics of coding and computer programming. We provide courses, workshops, and resources to help members explore coding and develop their coding skills. We also host events and activities to foster collaboration and networking among our members. Our goal is to cultivate a community of coders, both new and experienced, who can learn, share, and inspire each other to achieve their coding goals.

Design Club

Design Club

Design Club is a space for creative minds to come together and collaborate on design projects. This club provides members with the opportunity to learn about design principles, explore the creative process, discuss new trends, and network with other like-minded individuals. Through activities such as workshops, guest lectures, design challenges, and portfolio reviews, members will develop their design skills and gain insight into the world of design. This club is open to all levels and backgrounds, so no matter your experience, you can find a place to contribute your ideas and learn from the collective knowledge of the group.



The GeekHUB is a community club that aims at more student engagement, increased group knowledge sharing, inspiration for new projects and peers, constant self-improvement and mostly importantly to have FUN!



The Technovation Club is a welcoming environment where technovates will learn about the most recent technological advancements, by offering a range of engaging seminars and hands-on learning opportunities. The interest in learning is the sole prerequisite for joining the group.

What we do?


Interactive learning events designed to provide hands-on experience in a specific subject.


Creative minds come together to develop innovative solutions to challenging problems.


Working on real world projects to gain practical experience and enhance technical skills.

Peer Learning

Engage in the learning process and collaboration by participating in real world projects.


Sharing of knowledge, experience with peers to help them develop their skills and reach their goals.


Platform to compete with peers in various contests to get motivation and strive for excellence.

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